Wishes DO come true...our FAMILY in FLORIDA!! :)

Saturday, September 01, 2007

So my wonderful husband....

has left our beautiful country....yesterday and today were hard days for me. i have just thinking of him leaving and just the REALITY of it happening has been a bit much.....i know he has been gone now since JUNE BUT he has been here in the states AND we had cell phone contact SEVERAL times a day and EVERYDAY.....i knew he was just right down the road from us.....and now...he is, i have been crying and just worried about him and just the emotion of it all....yesterday was a long day for them because they were getting ready and packing and just WAITING for the time they would leave...we talked on and off ALL DAY which was very nice....they got on the buses at about 1000pm our time to go out to the airport and they didn't leave until 1:30am our time!!! i was really sad that there was NOBODY there to see them off....and i don't mean family because most of these troops are not from around here but maybe a committee or a VFW or something, SOMEONE there to show them we are behind them....if i could of i would of!! anyway, they left EL PASO and traveled to BANGOR, MAINE....they arrived there at 6:15am and he was able to call me then and we got to talk....he said that there was a WHOLE BUNCH OF PEOPLE from the VFW there to meet them and tell them THANK YOU....i was SOOOO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT! it caused me to cry because i know it meant sooooo much to them! we got to talk for a bit and then he called me at about 7:00am to say that they were all getting back on the plane on their way to HUNGARY and i could hear again all the VFW people there telling them to be careful, hurry back, be safe, and one told james "tell your wife THANK YOU for her sacrifice" because he was on the phone with me and again, i started to quietly weep....they will lad in HUNGARY and then their next stop is KUWAIT...and now he is gone....i don't know WHEN i will next hear from makes me so sad to know that he is not just AROUND the corner....or just across the state....he is far far far far far away......i know that i am just ONE MORE WIFE out there that this is happening to....i know this is not an isolated event and others have done it some MANY TIMES but it still doesn't make it any easier....i will just PRAY PRAY PRAY that he arrives safelty and that he COMES HOME HEALTY AND SAFE......

another thing that is getting me is that i will not HEAR HIS RING TONE for at least another don't realize how IMPORTANT and how SPECIAL that certain ring tone that you have designated for your love one is until you know you will not hear it again for a VERY VERY VERY LONG TIME....i sit and look at my phone and just get so sad because he was the one that mainly called me and the one that i just WAITED FOR....and now it will not have that special ring of his....i am shutting off his phone today and that is hard step for me to do.....just things are so final now and so sad because i know i will not hear that CERTAIN RING TONE that is ALL JAMES...MY HUSBAND MY VERY OWN TRUE LOVE....I WILL MISS HIM SOOOOOOO......

please pray for him and all the other soldiers...................